How to make your Startup secure?

How to make your Startup secure?
At present, data leaks are no exception and the number of these types of incidents is still increasing. Large firms usually have considerable financial resources to combat this problem, but it can be a serious problem for start-ups.
Often they do not have enough money to invest in overpriced cyber security systems. What steps can they take to achieve the necessary security while saving?
Responsibility and training
The aim of GDPR is to tighten up and supplement the privacy policy. This is a real challenge for start-ups, given that the GDPR is extensive, complex and uncompromising. Many times companies will not do without specialized knowledge in the field of personal data protection.
When implementing a system that meets compliance requirements, we need to consider all relevant parties and their involvement in the process. In practice, this means that anyone who comes into contact with data should also be responsible for their security. In addition, it is necessary to train the company's employees in the field of cyber security. This is because the only data breach can knock you out of the market and ruin your business.
Don't hurry
However, start-up entrepreneurs do not have to spend a huge amount of money to meet the strict GDPR requirements. Even if the price for non-compliance or violation is high, the fact that you will rush with security can ultimately cost you as much.
The right solution is to thoroughly prepare and study or get advice from an external expert. Start-ups should apply best practices in the field of information security and prioritize quality data security over profit maximization.
Pay attention to customer rights
Customers are also increasingly aware of their privacy rights. This can be very problematic for start-ups, since everything from customer engagement strategies to manufacturing, technology provider selection to data partnerships and advertising campaigns will be affected by the need for greater transparency.
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