GDPR and CCTV monitoring part - 1

GDPR and CCTV monitoring part - 1
GDPR has been in force for just over two years. These regulations have affected a number of areas where personal data are processed or handled. It is no exception that technologies that are intended for monitoring or surveillance are also affected by these regulations. The cameras are located not only in public places, companies or workplaces, as private individuals install cameras and monitor their homes, too
CCTV recordings and personal data protection
Camera recordings and personal data protection are part of the legal category on the right to privacy and family life. Video recording of the movement of persons has a legal character rooted in the European Convention on Human Rights, but also in the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union. Their aim is to guarantee the right to respect for private and family life, correspondence and housing.
Ineffective law no. 122/2013 Coll.
This law, which is no longer in force, regulated the monitoring of the area accessible to the public by cameras. According to the GDPR, camera recordings are subject to regulations if the person can be identified.
What about monitoring of your own home?
The GDPR also has an exception where it is not necessary to comply with these regulations if you make a record of domestic activity or personal matters. For example, to create an audiovisual camera recording of a celebration in your own home.
In the event of a breach of their land, private individuals can use CCTVs to monitor their own home to have evidence or a record to help resolve the robbery, property damage or other illegal activities.
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