Current news

16 Apríl 2020

Security of personal data in municipalities: they store sensitive data in drawers under the table

The regulation on personal data protection has been in force in the EU for almost a year and a half. For this period of time, the personal data of EU…
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7 Apríl 2020

What is a request for concurrence?

Pursuant to Section 100 of Act No. 18/2018 Coll. on the protection of personal data and on amendments to certain laws (hereinafter referred to as the "Personal Data Protection Act"),…
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7 Apríl 2020

Inspection process - procedure and useful advice

Under the conditions of the Slovak Republic, the state administration authority supervising the protection of personal data is the Office for Personal Data Protection of the Slovak Republic (hereinafter referred…
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20 Február 2020

Nové usmernenie pre prevádzkovateľov kamerových informačných systémov

Naša spoločnosť Vám pravidelne prináša najnovšie informácie v oblasti ochrany osobných údajov, a to prostredníctvom Stanovísk, Usmernení a pravidelného informovania. Týmto by sme Vás radi informovali o Usmernení Európskeho výboru…
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Preparation of Security Documentation in terms of GDPR from 139€ with insurance., s.r.o. Námestie osloboditeľov 3/A,
040 01 Košice

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