Andrej Kiska signed a new law

Andrej Kiska signed a new law
On 19 December 2017, the President of the Slovak Republic, Mr. Andrej Kiska, signed the Act on the Protection of Personal Data and on the Amendment of Certain Acts, which will enter into force on 25 May 2018 and repeal Act no. 122/2013 Coll. on the protection of personal data. The Office endeavors to publish the Act in the Collection of Laws of the Slovak Republic as soon as possible and thus begin the Vacatio Legis period (the legislative vacancy period) so that it can be brought to the attention of the general public. The approved wording of the Act can be viewed on the website of the National Council of the Slovak Republic.
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What is GDPR?
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is the acronym for Regulation…
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Who is affected by the GDPR?
It applies to all persons processing personal data and any…
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What changes come with the GDPR?
The fundamental changes of the GDPR include: compulsory appointment of…
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Who is Data Protection Officer (DPO)?
All organizations processing personal data must count on the appointment…
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What happens if I do not comply with GDPR?
In the event of a breach of the GDPR regulation,…
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How can we help you?
-, s.r.o. is the largest provider of personal data protection…
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personal visits throughout the Slovak Republic are a matter of…
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What is personal data?
For the purposes of the GDPR, all information relating to…
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Who is Data Protection Officer?
All organizations processing personal data must count on the appointment…
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