Category: GDPR

Report on Data Protection State for 2015 a 2016

The Office is obliged by the Act on Personal Data Protection to regularly inform the National Council of the Slovak Republic, including the public, about the state of personal data…
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Category: GDPR

Another law to liquidate employers: 20 million fine for a small mistake

On Thursday, the Office for Personal Data Protection introduced a new law on personal data protection, which contains a shocking possibility for the Office to impose fines of up to…
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Category: GDPR

We increased the insurance coverage to 200 000 €

As the only company on the market, we can boast of liability insurance coverage for the elaboration of Security Projects and the  performance of Data Protection Officer up to €…
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Category: GDPR

Andrej Kiska signed a new law

On 19 December 2017, the President of the Slovak Republic, Mr. Andrej Kiska, signed the Act on the Protection of Personal Data and on the Amendment of Certain Acts, which…
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Category: GDPR

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Preparation of Security Documentation in terms of GDPR from 139€ with insurance., s.r.o. Námestie osloboditeľov 3/A,
040 01 Košice

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